01782 917640 office@stgg.org.uk

Remote Learning


Since the start of the Covid-19 pandemic, schools have been expected to provide remote learning for children who are not able to attend school. During the pandemic, we adapted our approach to ensure that we were offering the highest quality remote learning we could and that we were meeting all DfE Remote Learning Requirements. Whilst we hope there will be no further national lockdowns, we continue to offer remote learning provision if circumstances require it. 

Microsoft Teams – Our Remote Learning Platform

At St Giles’ and St George’s, we set our remote learning via Microsoft Teams for all children in Years 1-6. Children have individual log-ins and are able to access assignments set by their teachers on a daily basis. Teachers are able to send children documents to support their learning or include links to external websites. It is also possible to upload short videos to support learning. Using MS Teams, we are also able to hold video calls with children, either individually, for small groups or for whole classes or year groups. This enables adults to hear children read, provide small group support and, in the case of a whole class or year group being closed, check-in with larger numbers of children and provide details of that day’s learning.

Children are set learning tasks daily related to the curriculum subjects being taught in school and there is an expectation that those tasks are completed, wherever possible, within the hours of a normal school day. This allows teachers to provide feedback to children and consider the next steps in their learning for the following day. 

For children in Early Years, Class dojo is our main form of communication with parents and means of setting remote learning tasks.