01782 917640 office@stgg.org.uk


At St Giles’ and St George’s we understand the importance of our role in keeping children safe and the detction and prevention of child abuse. All of our staff are trained to identify the signs of abuse in a child and the school has a detailed and robust system for reporting concerns.

2024 Summer TST Safeguarding newsletter for parents and carers

Child Protection and Safeguarding Policy

Prevent Risk assessment 24-25

Links to the Staffordshire Children’s Safeguarding board https://www.staffsscb.org.uk for the Escalation Policy and Early Help assessment form

Information on the LADO responsible for any allegations against staff working with children Allegations-of-abuse-made-against-a-person-who-works-with-children

KCSIE https://www.gov.uk/government/publications/keeping-children-safe-in-education–2

Safeguarding Contact Numbers

Staffordshire Children’s Advice and Support Service: 0300 111 8007 

Prevent Team: 01785 238239

                         Or: 01785 233109