01782 917640 office@stgg.org.uk

Year Two

Mrs Gray

Class Teacher  

Mrs Wright

Class Teacher

Miss Thurley

Class Teacher

Mrs Leech

Teaching Assistant

Mrs Dumitrescu

Teaching Assistant

Mrs Hitchins

Teaching Assistant

Year 2 Clubs

We will update the clubs for the summer term as soon as they are available.

Monday – Maths Club – After school until 4pm

Tuesday – Story Club – After school until 4pm

Wednesday – Phonics Club – After school until 4pm

Wednesday – Music Club – Lunchtime

Weekly Timetable

Below is an example of a typical week in Year 2.

PE days will be on  a Wednesday and Thursday. Please ensure that you come into school dressed in the appropriate school P.E kit on this day and earrings are removed.

Please ensure your book bag with your reading book and record are in school and you have a water bottle in school EVERY day.

Year 2 timetable



Our book focus for Summer 1:

Please click on the links below to see our curriculum overviews for each half-term. They will be updated at the start of each half-term.



Year 2 Curriculum Spring 1

Spring 2 Curriculum Overview

Year 2 Summer 1 Curriculum Overview

This half term, Year 2 AT are enjoying reading books by Roald Dahl.

This half term, Year 2 HG/SW are enjoying reading books by Enid Blyton.

Home Learning

We will be looking for children to be reading at home with their parents or carers at least three times a week. Listening to children read will enable them to grow in confidence as they become fluent readers. 

Homework will be set every week (on a Friday) via Class dojo with a focus on either English or Maths. You can return the homework by the following Friday via Class dojo so we can see it. If you require paper copies of the homework, please just let us know.
We will also set weekly spellings that will match your child’s phonics group. These will be set via Class Dojo on a Friday and will be tested the following Friday.


Wednesday 10th April: Staffordshire Fire service visiting KS1

Thursday 11th April: Parents Evening

Wednesday 17th April: Y2 HG/SW Glow at St Giles’ church (parents and carers welcome to attend)

Friday 3rd May: Academy Photographs

Tuesday 21st May: Shine event 2-3pm (parents and carers welcome to attend)

Thursday 23rd May: Year 2 trip to Ford Green Hall

Tuesday 2nd July: KS1 Sports Day